Amy Colins
378 Articles1 Comments

Entire Life You’re Sleeping On The Wrong Position!

You’re probably sleeping wrong, because a scientific study showed the perfect sleep position for optimal rest. And when you consider that you’re spending one third of the day sleeping, this might not be so good for your lifespan and overall…

Never Touch These Body Parts!

Touching certain parts of our body is a habit all of us have. Just take Raphael Nadal as an example – he has to do his “touching routine” every time before serving, careless whether there are people around or not.…

10 Early Signs That Your Partner Will Break Your Heart

The thrill of a new relationship is always intriguing and exciting. You’re entering a new level, meeting someone new and all those things who already past and were long forgotten with your ex, are now “firsts”. First things, first kisses,…

9 Common Underwear Mistakes Women Make, And How to Avoid Them

Buying underwear and finding the right bra takes time. And you’re always in that dilemma between comfort and pretty. What should you decide when buying underwear? Here are the most common mistakes every woman does when she is buying underwear,…

Farting In Front Of A Partner Leads To A Stronger And Healthier Relationship

Relationships are all about milestones. Checking your partner’s phone, getting to know his parents, being exclusive… But, did you know that, according to a study, the “nastiest habit” is the one that actually will deepen your connection the most? It’s FARTING.…

Why Do We Have So Many Lines On Our Palms?

Has it ever occurred to you to ask yourself about certain parts of your body, such as why do we have nails, why do we have lines on our palms, while the skin on the surface is smooth? The biological…

Stop Using Vaseline Immediately!

There’s not a single medicine cabinet that doesn’t contain Vaseline, I’m sure of that. However, this popular product is more harmful than you could ever imagine! What is Vaseline actually? It is the medical name for what’s actually petroleum jelly.…

Ice Cube On Your Neck Can Be An Amazing Health Trick

Are you the type of person who goes to the doctor or directly in the pharmacy for every ache or pain, even if it’s minor?  There’s a saying “With medicine, your pain would heal in a week. Without medicine, in 7…

Do You Wake Up Every Night at The Exact Same Time? This Is What It Actually Means!

Have you been waking up in the exact same time every night? Maybe even doing the exact same things over and over every night?  There actually is a pattern why this is happening. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, this means that…

Bedtime Habits Only Happy Couples Do

Relationships need investment. Not only to build, but to last as well. Don’t you feel that you’re in a constant rush and anxiety in this modern world? You’re connected on the Internet 24/7, but are you truly connected to your partner…