Amy Colins
378 Articles1 Comments

Look Fantastic Without Makeup

Applying makeup on a daily basis can be really fulfilling, but it can also get pretty exhausting sometimes – and especially time-consuming, especially for the people who don’t have that much time on their hands. However, nobody said that getting…

Read People Like Books With These 12 Psychological Tricks

You most probably have at some point in your life wondered if it is possible for you to read other people’s minds. Some people rely on their intuition and call it mind-reading, but if you are not among the perceptive…

Gain Total Control Over Your Body With These Tricks

Your body can do so many things that you are absolutely unaware of. Sometimes you just feel pain and there’s almost always a better way to get rid of the pain, but you decide to reach for a pill. This…

This Anti-Cellulite Remedy Is The First One That Actually Works

Every woman has struggled with cellulite and we all know it’s no joke It’s hard to remove it, it can be very stubborn and it can be a real pain in the butt. It’s making you feel uncomfortable when putting…

8 Uses of Vinegar You’ve Never Heard Before

Vinegar is probably one of the very few things that improve all things – the food that you’re eating, as well as the ways of cleaning you’ve learned thus far in life. We absolutely do not need to inhale all…

You Will Always Keep a VapoRub at Home After Reading This

Vick’s is probably one of the most amazing products ever created. Here’s the best thing about it : it’s so versatile! It can be used for so many things and with an item like that, it’s always best to keep…

Scientists claim: People are not using sanitizer properly!

It’s the era of the coronavirus and it seems that everyone is paying extra attention to germs these days. Yes, most of us are using sanitizers and are taking all precautions in order to prevent the virus from infecting us,…

Simple Medical Tests You Can Do To Check Your Health!

As we grow older and reach above our 30’s, regular annual medical check-ups are something that everyone should do. As a prevention or simply, a measurement of caution. However, you don’t always have time or medical insurance to cover these…

The Stress Relieving Method That Beats a Glass Of Wine!

Are you feeling stressed lately? Have you tried with prescription pills, having a few glasses of wine, and still, nothing is helping? Stress can be very harmful for the health in long terms. That’s why we suggest that you try…

How To Be a Woman Every Man Needs In His Life!

Who doesn’t want the perfect partner and relationship? But this don’t just fall from the sky, and especially for people who come in your life and should stay closest to you, you really need to make an effort. A real…