Health Care

These TWO Ingredients Can Heal Your Colon

It’s amazing to think that pharmaceutical companies rake in millions of dollars on pills that either (a) don’t work very well or (b) have natural replacements. This is not to say that some medications aren’t necessary – some absolutely are.…

This is What Happens When You Touch These Points On Your Feet

Reflexology is a method of increasing blood flow and relieving pain by stimulating specific pressure points in the feet and hands. These pressure points are believed to connect directly to the body’s organs and glands through the nervous system. By…

How To Use Hydrogen Peroxide For Nail Fungus

Nail fungus can be awful to deal with. Starting off as a yellow spot, the fungus grows to spread over your nail. And if not treated in the early stages, it can grow to cover your entire nail, thicken it,…

How To Get Rid Of Chapped Lips

Dryness and peeling skin on the lips are very uncomfortable. The best way to prevent this problem is by providing hydrating and nourishing your lips. Before we get into the simple home remedies and tips you can use for chapped…

Bumps After Waxing: Causes, 5 Home Remedies, And Prevention Tips

The first thought that runs in your mind looking at the bumps post waxing is, “are they normal?” The answer is yes! Although they are harmless and clear up in a few days, it’s an ordeal to deal with the…

8 Signs You May Have A Blood Clot

Just like a scab that heals when you cut your finger, a blood clot is a mass of blood that is moving along your bloodstream. Clotting is normal for our blood because it is a natural part of the healing…

These TWO Ingredients Can Eliminate Earwax and Ear Infections

Earwax is bothersome, and ear infections can be a painful experience and one that you would hope to eliminate from your future health concerns. Fortunately, some people have had great success with a home remedy with only two natural, safe…

10 Ways To Clean Your Lymphatic System

You might not know it, but your lymphatic system is one of the most overlooked parts of your anatomy. It works hard to remove bacteria and fight infection. Instead of ignoring this import part of your body, here are some tips…

20 Mucus Cleansing Herbs, Fruit and Vegetables to Alleviate Excessive Mucus in the Body

Mucus can be a double-edged sword, as it provides a protective lining for many of the organs and systems of the body. But when our mucus cells become chronically irritated, they start to over-produce mucus. Excessive mucus can congest these…

7 Simple Ways You Can Unclog Your Arteries Naturally

The good news is that like most diseases, atherosclerosis is preventable and even reversible in some cases. The best part is that you can take charge of your health starting today. And to help you get started, here are 7…